Crystallized Waterproofing Product That Can Be Applied in Negative and Positive Directions

Procrysta NP 204

Cement based, applicable for both positive and negative hydrostatic pressure; It is a crystalline waterproofing material that becomes reactive with water and moisture. With its formula consisting of active chemicals and fine aggregate, it reacts with water, moisture and free lime in the concrete, regardless of old or new, and penetrates deeply into the concrete. It forms insoluble crystals in capillary spaces and pores, preventing water permeability.

It is suitable for use in drinking water tank insulation.
It is resistant to hydrostatic pressure.
The active chemical compound with a crystallizing effect fills the capillary gaps in the concrete.
It can be applied against negative and positive water pressure.
It is easy and fast to prepare.
It can be applied with brush and spray equipment.
Working time has been extended.
It provides permanent waterproofing with the crystals it forms.
It creates a jointless, seamless, permanent, moisture and water-proof waterproofing layer.
It is resistant to chemicals and salt solutions in the soil.
Can be applied to damp surface.
Provides high level of resistance to freeze-thaw cycle.
Provides negative and positive insulation.
It fills 0.5 mm wide cracks by forming crystals. It has a constantly active structure.

Positive Water Pressure:
-In sub-foundation and curtain concrete
-In water tanks, (positive application both inside and outside in underground water tanks)
-in swimming pools,
-In irrigation channels,
-in concrete pipes,
-In tunnels and culverts,
-in dams,
-Used in cisterns .
Negative Water Pressure :
-Internal insulation of basement walls and foundations,
-External insulation of water tanks that are not buried in the ground,
-in retaining walls,
-In tunnels and subways,
-On floors and horizontal joints,
-Used in elevator pits.
Application Equipment
Hand mixer - Brush - Trowel - Spraying equipment

2-3 kg/m² depending on water pressure.

In 25 kg kraft bag (64 pieces on pallet, 1600 kg)

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